Neighbours Every Day 2025

Neighbours Every Day is a year-round campaign that encourages people across all communities to connect to increase belonging and reduce loneliness. The annual day of action for Neighbours Every Day is called Neighbour Day – celebrated on the last Sunday in March.

This year, Neighbour Day falls on Sunday 30 March, 2025

The purpose of this campaign is to raise national awareness of the importance of social connections and the difference neighbourly actions can make to someone’s life. The campaign encourages people to make meaningful connections that last beyond the day itself.

The official theme for this year’s Neighbours Every Day is ‘Create, Share and Grow Belonging’ building on the growing movement of people taking neighbourly actions every day of the year, in person or from a distance.

Whether through a cuppa, a picnic in the park, a neighbourly action, or a message of support, Neighbours Every Day is the perfect opportunity to reach out to community members, both near and far.

For more information, check out the Neighbours Every Day website, and watch the video below.

Neighbours Every Day and Healthy Tasmania – Community Grants

We’re very excited to be partnering again with Healthy Tasmania to support and encourage people to connect with their neighbours to increase belonging and minimise loneliness.

We invite local Tasmanian community members, groups and organisations to apply for grants up to $1,500 that can be used to host neighbourly activities in your community.


This grant is funded by the Healthy Tasmania Fund through the Tasmanian Government.

2024 Successful Applicants:


Party in the Park
The West Moonah Neighbourhood House is planning a “Party in the Park” to foster community engagement. The event will feature a free BBQ, diverse cultural and street food, and activities for both adults and children.

Bringing Bagdad Together Fun Day
Southern Midlands Council plans to organise a Fun Day at Chauncy Vale Wildlife Sanctuary in Bagdad, open to all residents with a goal of bringing the community together.

Friends of Chippendale Lane
Friends of Chippendale Lane are hosting a tea party and building a street library to enhance neighbourly connections and foster community pride.

Know your Neighbours New Norfolk
Know Your Neighbours New Norfolk aims to combat isolation and mental health issues by bringing the community together in a shared garden event, promoting friendship and support.

Nipaluna Nursery: Growing Neighbourly Action
Nipaluna Nursery is organising an event with the goal of enhancing neighbourly connections through hands-on sessions focused on plant propagation and care. This community gathering seeks to provide practical skills to participants.

Carlton Park Community Open Day
The Carlton Park Community Open Day at the Surf Life Saving Club invites residents to learn about water safety, connect with neighbours, and strengthen community bonds.

Warrane Community Garden Festival
Warrane Community Garden Festival will nurture community connections and skills through an enhanced garden festival, providing a welcoming space for community members to learn sustainable living practices.

Love Thy Neighbour
Love Thy Neighbour event will include lunch and a workshop with culturally and marginalised women, aiming to enhance health and wellbeing outcomes, empower them with skills and resources, and foster a sense of community.

Albuera School Community Picnic
The Albuera Street Primary School Association will host a community picnic that offers a chance for families to meet new people and connect with the broader community.

Chilling on the Lawn
The RSL Sub Branch will host an event aiming to promote community wellbeing through social connection, relaxation, music, and food, fostering unity and support.

Dance for your Dinner!
Eureka Clubhouse plans a dance workshop with a free BBQ to bring people together and boost mood.

Chalk it up! A day of Community Connection at the Blackmans Bay Skate Park.
The Blackmans Bay Community Association will transform the skate park into an inclusive space with art, music, and a BBQ.

Deep South Blues: A Festival in the Minor Key
The Southport Community Centre will host a festival celebrating local talent and allowing for the community to come together and connect.

Love your Neighbour- Stories of Social Connections
A performance to connect Hobart’s migrant community and promote respectful relationships.

Rokeby Community Connection Day
The Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre will deliver an event aimed at community members of all ages. The event will focus on fostering relationships and community engagement.

Neighbourhood Day on Mt Nelson
The Mount Nelson Community Association will host a community meal event to welcome newcomers and combat isolation, connecting residents with local groups.

Ouse Old Fashioned Country Picnic
The Central Highlands Council will host a picnic that aims to unite the community, showcasing local organisations and activities while providing fun for all ages.

Community Kick Off – Building Bonds Beyond the Soccer Field
Cygnet Sea Dragons Soccer Club will host an event which aims to foster community connections with fun-filled activities and pizza.

Nugent Neighbours
Nugent Community and Sports Association Inc. will host a family day/night inclusive of lunch,  line dancing workshops, healthy produce sharing stands and a game of ‘get to know your neighbours’.

Huon Valley PCYC Eat Play Chat Day
Huon Valley PCYC aims to bring the community together with a fun-filled open day that incorporates a free BBQ lunch, sports, games and networking.

Strengthening the Upper Plenty Community Bonds through a Community BBQ
Upper Plenty Action Group seeks to revitalise community spirit with a BBQ event that aims to bring their diverse community together.

Goodwood Twilight Market and Community BBQ
Goodwood Community Centre aims to bring residents together with two events—a twilight market and a community BBQ.

Seed For A Feed
Seed For A Feed will provide free seeds to support low-income households in gardening and aims to expand with a launch event to promote community connections.

Community BBQ to Welcome New Doctors and their Families to our Small Rural Town
The rural town of Dover will host a community BBQ to welcome new doctors and their families to the town, fostering connections and improving medical access.

Community Connections – Sea Rescue Tasmania Open Day
Sea Rescue Tasmania seeks to strengthen community ties with a Community Open Day, promoting safety at sea and community engagement.

Great Lake Community Information Booklet
The Great Lake Community Centre will host a free BBQ event to launch a booklet showcasing local activities and services in the area to connect residents and promote community involvement.

Kwirky Kids Easter Meet
Kwirky Kids plans an inclusive Easter event with activities and a BBQ for families with neurodivergent children.

Glenorchy Neighbourhood Watch Recruitment Day
Glenorchy City Council and Neighbourhood Watch aim to recruit volunteers through a BBQ event to increase community involvement in crime prevention.

West Winds Brew & Bake: Connecting Generations, Building Community
The West Winds Community Centre is planning a series of workshops and a volunteer appreciation event aiming to unite youth and community members.

Howrah Fun activity, All Ability
Sunshine Tennis Club will host an inclusive event for people with disability and their families, promoting inclusion and physical activity.


Fun in the Beaconsfield Men’s Shed
Fun in the Beaconsfield Men’s Shed fosters inclusivity and social connection through a Fun Open Day, showcasing its welcoming atmosphere and encouraging community participation.

Ringarooma Community Morning Teas
The Ringarooma Community Cultural Heritage Association will host a series of morning teas to combat loneliness in an older community without cafes.

Ukrainian Connections: Building Relationships and Strengthening Wellbeing
The Association of Ukrainians in Tasmania plans to host an event to strengthen connections between members across regions. The association plans to hire a bus to transport members to the Cataract Gorge where lunch will be supplied.

Reaching Out to Neighbours in Westbury
Westbury Health Inc. plans a morning tea event to combat isolation among older community members.

North West

Picnic in the Park
The University of the Third Age in Wynyard will host a traditional picnic afternoon tea at the showgrounds for residents aiming to increase social connections within the community.

Waratah Men’s Shed Community Pot Luck Dinners
Waratah Men’s Shed will continue to host a series of community dinners, providing a social outlet and replacing kitchen supplies.

Reducing Isolation
Live Well Tasmania is partnering with the RESEED Centre to host pizza oven workshops and backyard makeovers to increase community involvement and combat loneliness.

Low Head Art in the Garden
The Low Head Community Garden Group will host a garden art workshop facilitated by a local artist. All artwork created by community members will be on display in the garden.

Mending Circle at the Repair Cafe, Devonport
The Repair Cafe plans social workshops to promote community connections through repairing items together.

Port Sorell Community Open Day – Feeling Beaut by the Beach!
The Port Sorell Surf Lifesaving Club are hosting a free community event with live music and a BBQ to help bring the locals together. There will even by a community amazing race!

Neighbourhood Connections through Vegetable Gardens
Farm It Forward Tasmania plans to promote food security and community connections through gardening workshops and produce sharing.

PALM Community Walkabout  in Penguin
The Lion’s Club and community organisations will welcome Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Scheme workers with a progressive dinner, promoting social interaction and community integration.

East Coast

Oldies But Goodies High Tea
The Spring Bay Suicide Prevention Network will host a high tea event aiming to combat loneliness in an ageing community and fostering connections through shared memories.

Autumn Harvest Festival & Citrus Grove
The St Helens Neighbourhood House will host a free festival for all community members with the aim of increasing community connections.

Bring Ya Neighbour
Triabunna’s Tivoli Theatre plans a family-friendly film night to unite neighbours. The event will be inclusive, with transport provided, healthy snacks, and free admission.

Supper for our Choir Family
The One Voice Break O’Day Choir will continue providing nutritious supper for the choir, fostering connections among its diverse members.

Mary & The Elephant Film Night Take 2
The film night will return to St Marys, promoting community engagement and local businesses.

Here We Are POP UP Cafe
Bicheno Community Health Group plans a pop-up cafe to combat social isolation, offering brunch and community connections.

Celebrate Neighbour Day with Music & High Tea
Friends of Buckland Church aim to unite the community with music, afternoon tea, and transport for isolated residents.

St Helens Community Open Day
The St Helens Marine Rescue Association will host a community open day, aiming to educate residents about maritime safety and encourage community connections.


Long Lunch for Foster Carers and Volunteers
RSPCA Tasmania plans to thank foster carers and volunteers with long lunches, promoting social connections and appreciation.

Outreach & Communication Opportunities
The Retired Police Association of Tasmania will host a barbeque aimed at strengthening connections within the RPAT community.

Join Us for a Community Workshop and a Chance to Win!

In addition to the Neighbours Every Grants, Relationships Australia Tasmania is giving community groups the opportunity to win one of two $500 vouchers.

We hope to engage community members to participate in a free interactive conversation about what a connected and respectful Tasmania means to your community. The session will take no more than an hour and can be tailored to fit the needs of your group.

Relationships Australia Tasmania will provide a report back to you summarising what your group tells us a connected and respectful Tasmania means to them.  As a thank you for your participation, all community groups who engage in a brief conversation will be entered into the draw to win one of two $500 gift cards!

Related Resources

Suicide Prevention

The Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Network is a growing network that meets every quarter and is auspiced by RA Tas....

Family Law Pathways

Family Law Pathways Networks is a networking program for professionals working with families who are separating, or have separated....


Counselling is suitable for anyone looking to strengthen relationships, overcome trauma, improve self-confidence and establish positive habits....

Children’s Contact Service

The Children's Contact Service makes it possible for contact arrangements to take place with a minimum of stress both for children and their parents....

Organisation Wellbeing Services

A specialist service to help Tasmanian business and community organisations address the personal support and professional development needs of management and staff....

Child Inclusive Mediation

Child Inclusive Mediation provides a safe way of communicating your child’s feelings to assist in decision-making after changes to the family situation....

Family Dispute Resolution

Family Dispute resolution (FDR), often referred to as Mediation, can assist with negotiating matters relating to children, property (Property Settlement Mediation) and workplace issues. ...

Family Separation (Farsi, Tigrinya, Nepali and Burmese – Audio Translations)

We have a range of services available for all people to help deal with family separation including mediation, counselling and the Children's Contact Service. ...

Redress Support Service

Support for people engaging with the National Redress Scheme. This scheme was established for people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse....

Forced Adoption Support Service

This program provides specialist support to any person who has been impacted by forced adoption practices....

Bringing Up Great Kids

Parenting is one of the most important jobs we will ever have. This workshop provides parents with some tips and tools on parental responses that encourage helpful family relationships....


To re-connect young people (12-18) with their families and the community....

Property Mediation

Reaching a property settlement after separation can bring relief and independence. Mediation can help you resolve settlement together....

Counselling After Separation

Counselling for people who have separated and are seeking support with challenges or adjustment after separation....

Supporting Children After Separation

A specialist counselling and support service for children and adolescents aged 5-18 years of age from separated or separating families....

Separating from a partner


Aboriginal Cultural Connections

Culturally sensitive support for Aboriginal individuals and communities in Northern Tasmania including Flinders and Cape Barren Islands....

Find & Connect

The Find & Connect support service aims to improve the lives of Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants....


SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY works to promote positive mental health and prevent suicide by normalising conversations about mental health and encouraging people to seek help when they need it....

Elder Relationship Service

Counselling support for families who need help negotiating complex issues related to ageing....

Talk to our professional staff today.

Our staff are here to help you find the support and service that is right for you and guide you through the process.