Neighbours Every Day 2025
Neighbours Every Day is a year-round campaign that encourages people across all communities to connect to increase belonging and reduce loneliness. The annual day of action for Neighbours Every Day is called Neighbour Day – celebrated on the last Sunday in March.
This year, Neighbour Day falls on Sunday 30 March, 2025
The purpose of this campaign is to raise national awareness of the importance of social connections and the difference neighbourly actions can make to someone’s life. The campaign encourages people to make meaningful connections that last beyond the day itself.
The official theme for this year’s Neighbours Every Day is ‘Create, Share and Grow Belonging’ building on the growing movement of people taking neighbourly actions every day of the year, in person or from a distance.
Whether through a cuppa, a picnic in the park, a neighbourly action, or a message of support, Neighbours Every Day is the perfect opportunity to reach out to community members, both near and far.
For more information, check out the Neighbours Every Day website, and watch the video below.
Neighbours Every Day and Healthy Tasmania – Community Grants
We’re very excited to be partnering again with Healthy Tasmania to support and encourage people to connect with their neighbours to increase belonging and minimise loneliness.
We invite local Tasmanian community members, groups and organisations to apply for grants up to $1,500 that can be used to host neighbourly activities in your community.
This grant is funded by the Healthy Tasmania Fund through the Tasmanian Government.
Join Us for a Community Workshop and a Chance to Win!
In addition to the Neighbours Every Grants, Relationships Australia Tasmania is giving community groups the opportunity to win one of two $500 vouchers.
We hope to engage community members to participate in a free interactive conversation about what a connected and respectful Tasmania means to your community. The session will take no more than an hour and can be tailored to fit the needs of your group.
Relationships Australia Tasmania will provide a report back to you summarising what your group tells us a connected and respectful Tasmania means to them. As a thank you for your participation, all community groups who engage in a brief conversation will be entered into the draw to win one of two $500 gift cards!
Related Resources

Suicide Prevention
The Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Network is a growing network that meets every quarter and is auspiced by RA Tas....

Family Law Pathways
Family Law Pathways Networks is a networking program for professionals working with families who are separating, or have separated....

Counselling is suitable for anyone looking to strengthen relationships, overcome trauma, improve self-confidence and establish positive habits....

Children’s Contact Service
The Children's Contact Service makes it possible for contact arrangements to take place with a minimum of stress both for children and their parents....

Organisation Wellbeing Services
A specialist service to help Tasmanian business and community organisations address the personal support and professional development needs of management and staff....

Child Inclusive Mediation
Child Inclusive Mediation provides a safe way of communicating your child’s feelings to assist in decision-making after changes to the family situation....

Family Dispute Resolution
Family Dispute resolution (FDR), often referred to as Mediation, can assist with negotiating matters relating to children, property (Property Settlement Mediation) and workplace issues. ...
Family Separation (Farsi, Tigrinya, Nepali and Burmese – Audio Translations)
We have a range of services available for all people to help deal with family separation including mediation, counselling and the Children's Contact Service. ...

Redress Support Service
Support for people engaging with the National Redress Scheme. This scheme was established for people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse....

Forced Adoption Support Service
This program provides specialist support to any person who has been impacted by forced adoption practices....

Bringing Up Great Kids
Parenting is one of the most important jobs we will ever have. This workshop provides parents with some tips and tools on parental responses that encourage helpful family relationships....

Property Mediation
Reaching a property settlement after separation can bring relief and independence. Mediation can help you resolve settlement together....

Counselling After Separation
Counselling for people who have separated and are seeking support with challenges or adjustment after separation....

Supporting Children After Separation
A specialist counselling and support service for children and adolescents aged 5-18 years of age from separated or separating families....

Aboriginal Cultural Connections
Culturally sensitive support for Aboriginal individuals and communities in Northern Tasmania including Flinders and Cape Barren Islands....

Find & Connect
The Find & Connect support service aims to improve the lives of Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants....

SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY works to promote positive mental health and prevent suicide by normalising conversations about mental health and encouraging people to seek help when they need it....

Elder Relationship Service
Counselling support for families who need help negotiating complex issues related to ageing....