For a family who is separating, or have separated, there can be many practical and emotional issues. Getting timely and appropriate advice is crucial to helping them respond to their situation.
What is the Family Law Pathways Network?
The Family Law Pathways Network is a national program for professionals working with these families and is funded by the Attorney General’s Department, while run in Tasmania under the auspice of Relationships Australia Tasmania. The Network’s aim is to support practitioners to work collaboratively, maintain strong working relationships and develop appropriate referral mechanisms, across the broader family law system.
There are two Family Law Pathways Networks across Tasmania – Greater Hobart and Launceston & Northern West Tasmania. These Networks coordinate events and the development and distribution of resources.
Who can join the Family Law Pathways Network?
The Family Law Pathways Network is open to all professionals working with members of separating or separated families, who are interested in strengthening relationships with other practitioners.
Membership is free, and participation is as you wish.
You can find out more, and join the network at
If you have any questions or enquiries about the Family Law Pathways Network, please contact our Pathways Officer at
Networking opportunities provided by Pathways:
- Network Meetings
- Professional Development Training, Workshops and Forums
- Resource Development
- Online Services Directory and Website
We are a Child Safe organisation
At Relationships Australia Tasmania (RA Tas) we consider the health, safety and wellbeing of all children and young people to be our highest priority. We strive to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. In particular, through our Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy.
Related Resources

Family Dispute Resolution
Family Dispute resolution (FDR), often referred to as Mediation, can assist with negotiating matters relating to children, property (Property Settlement Mediation) and workplace issues. ...

Supporting Children After Separation
A specialist counselling and support service for children and adolescents aged 5-18 years of age from separated or separating families....

Property Mediation
Reaching a property settlement after separation can bring relief and independence. Mediation can help you resolve settlement together....

Parenting Separately (POP)
Parenting Separately aims to identify and develop useful strategies to deal with difficult situations, and help each parent communicate more effectively with the other....

Child Inclusive Mediation
Child Inclusive Mediation provides a safe way of communicating your child’s feelings to assist in decision-making after changes to the family situation....

Organisation Wellbeing Services
A specialist service to help Tasmanian business and community organisations address the personal support and professional development needs of management and staff....

Children’s Contact Service
The Children's Contact Service makes it possible for contact arrangements to take place with a minimum of stress both for children and their parents....

Family Relationship Centre
Family Relationship Centres provide information and referrals for families at any stage of their relationships, as well as individual and joint Family Dispute Resolution sessions for separating or separated families...

Elder Relationship Service
Counselling support for families who need help negotiating complex issues related to ageing....

Counselling After Separation
Counselling for people who have separated and are seeking support with challenges or adjustment after separation....