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Appointments & Booking
All appointments must be booked over the phone. Please call us on 1300 364 277 to schedule an appointment.
No, unless you are the parent or legal guardian of a child under the age of 18 and you wish to book an appointment for them.
No, we do not offer appointments outside of weekdays.
If you need to cancel your appointment, please let us know within 24 hours so that we can make this appointment space available for another client. To cancel your appointment, please call us on 1300 364 277.
No, you cannot bring your children unless the appointment has been booked specifically for them.
Parking varies between different centres. More information can be found here.
Our services are completely confidential.
We always welcome feedback. If you wish to make a complaint, please let us know here.
We provide services to all Tasmanians, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religion or income. We respect the diverse backgrounds, individuality and experiences of all.
Counselling is a confidential service that can help you improve relationships, work through past or current trauma, gain support for addiction or increase self-confidence. Counselling sessions are an opportunity to speak to a friendly and professional person about your life – in a non-judgemental and positive environment.
At your first appointment, you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire which will give the counsellor a comprehensive overview of your current safety and wellbeing. Your session with the counsellor will then last for approximately 50 minutes. Your appointment will be an opportunity for you to talk about your issues or concerns in a safe and confidential environment.
No. You do not need a referral from another service provider to receive counselling.
We work with every client differently depending on their circumstances. The number of counselling sessions will depend on your specific needs. In your initial consultation, your counsellor will work with you to determine how many sessions you may need.
First appointments last for approximately an hour and a half. The first half-hour has been set aside for you to fill in a questionnaire. The following 50 minutes will be for your session with the counsellor. All following appointments will last for 50 minutes.
Yes. Counselling can help you understand and process any issues which you may be struggling to deal with as a result of separation or divorce. Counselling is not to be confused with mediation, which is a separate service for separated couples to negotiate parenting or property agreements.
Yes. For continuity, we will try to book your appointments with the same counsellor for each appointment.
No. Counselling does not mean you are admitting failure. Seeking professional help is, in fact, an indication of emotional insight. It is a positive step to seek professional advice or guidance, and we look forward to supporting you along your journey to change.
Mediation can help people experiencing difficulties reaching agreements about issues such as parenting, property settlement, financial and family matters. In mediation, we cannot offer professional legal advice. If you reach an agreement with the other party through a Parenting or a Property Agreement, these documents are not legally binding. In order to make them legally binding, you can seek legal advice to do so.
Mediation can help you reach financial or parenting agreements and reducing any family or parental conflict during separation or divorce. Mediation can also help grandparents or other family members negotiate relationships with related children.
Yes, you can bring a support person (relative, friend, new partner); however, this is subject to the approval of both the mediator and the other party.
Your first appointment is with an Intake Officer and will last for approximately one and a half hours. You will be asked to fill in a questionnaire which will give the mediator a comprehensive overview of your current safety and wellbeing. Your Intake Officer will then help you to organise a session with a mediator. The second session with the mediator will then last for approximately 50 minutes. Joint dispute resolution appointments last for two hours.
The number of sessions will depend on your unique situation, in your initial appointment you can discuss this with your Intake Officer.
Talk to our professional staff today.
Our staff are here to help you find the support and service that is right for you and guide you through the process.