Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Community Network Forum

MEDIA RELEASE                                               

Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Community Network Forum

Key Points:

  • The 10th annual Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Community Network Forum will be held at the Crowne Plaza, Hobart, 9am-4:30pm on Friday, March 22.
  • This year’s theme is ‘Championing Change’
  • Speakers:
    Al Brown and Marcus McCrae | Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Directorate
    Mitch McPherson and Tash Cloak | SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY
    Clare Kinsella and Amelia Hew | Suicide Prevention Australia
    Laura Grattidge | Centre for Rural Health and Manna Institute
    Dr Philippa Dutton | Everymind
    Michelle Swallow | Leadership and Change Consultants

March 2024

The 10th annual Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Community Network Forum will be held at the Crowne Plaza, Hobart, 9am-4:30pm on Friday, March 22.

Chair of the Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Community Network, Dr Michael Kelly, said this year’s theme is ‘Championing Change,’ which will lead to some bold discussions and learnings about how to reduce the rate and impact of suicide in communities.

“Experts in suicide prevention, mental health service providers, government representatives, members of the community, and those with lived experience of suicide will come together to learn more, discuss issues, and contribute to solutions to help reduce suicide in Tasmania.”
“The Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Community Network Forum is an opportunity to work together, with our communities, to break down the stigma surrounding suicide and create a culture of support.” Dr Kelly said.

Michelle Ewington, the Master of Ceremonies for the event said that there is an excellent line up of speakers that are sure to spark some meaningful conversations.

“This event is a great way to bring people together to discuss the importance of a whole-of-community approach to suicide prevention,” Ms Ewington said.
The forum will include workshops, keynote speakers, and a Q&A session. Attendees will leave with refreshed knowledge, practical skills, and insights into the future of suicide prevention in Tasmania.

Presenters are listed below:

  • Al Brown and Marcus McCrae from the Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Directorate will explore how Tasmanians can champion change through the Suicide Prevention Strategy.
  • Mitch McPherson and Tash Cloak from SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY will discuss how to channel lived experience into community action through a Q&A session.
  • Clare Kinsella and Amelia Hew from Suicide Prevention Australia will deliver an Advocacy Skills Workshop, which will unlock some of the secrets to engaging storytelling that enables change.
  • Laura Grattidge from the Centre for Rural Health and Manna Institute and Dr Philippa Ditton-Phare from Everymind will be conduct a workshop around the concept of community-based suicide prevention and how communities can be involved across all levels.
  • Michelle Swallow from Leadership and Change Consultants will provide hands on tools and tips on how to develop a plan that can be used to seek support and funding.

This forum is funded by the Tasmanian Government through the Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Directorate, and supports the Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Strategy (2023-2027).

-ends here-

Media Contact: A.Mark Thomas, M&M Communications, 0422 006 732

About Relationships Australia Tasmania

At Relationships Australia Tasmania we provide families, couples, individuals, older people, children and communities with tools and strategies, so that they have healthy, positive lives. We help more than 8000 Tasmanians every year to transform and change their lives through counselling, mediation, dispute resolution, support and training.

Our focus is on:

  • healthy relationships, conflict resolution, parenting, cultural issues and mental health
  • We offer people the services and support they need, when they need it to assist them when life presents challenges.
  • Services are available to all people regardless of cultural background, family structure, economic situation, religious beliefs, gender or sexual orientation.

More information about the services and support we offer can be found on our website www.tas.relationships.com.au

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SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY works to promote positive mental health and prevent suicide by normalising conversations about mental health and encouraging people to seek help when they need it....

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