A culturally safe, confidential and supportive space to assist children and parents with moving forward from separation.

Who is this service for?

This service is for members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Tasmania wishing to learn more about parenting after separation and managing conflict. This is a voluntary program, not a court-ordered program.

Consultations are held with the Tasmania palawa/pakana community on where and how they would like the Parenting Separately Program delivered to best meet the needs of the community with flexibility and adaptability.

This service aims to build connections between the Tasmania palawa/pakana community and Relationships Australia Tasmania to provide a culturally appropriate and sensitive service based on the needs identified by the community.

Employs community capacity building and cultural approaches in working with families.

No individual coaching sessions. Participation is in a group via a series of six (6) education workshops.

About the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Parenting Separately Program

Parenting Separately Program Workshops are a culturally adapted version of Relationships Australia Tasmania’s Parenting Orders Program. It is child focused and can assist with –

  • co-parenting support
  • positive and effective communication, parenting and conflict resolution
  • reduce conflict and improve levels of agreement and co-operation regarding childrens’ care, needs and contact arrangements
  • understand the effect of parents conflict on their children and the ongoing well-being of their children
  • understand child development and separation
  • assist children and parents with moving forward from separation
  • fostering positive parenting relationships
  • building sustainable relationships between parents and their children

About the ‘Keeping Strong – Let’s Talk’ program

During and after delivering the Relationships Australia Tasmania Parenting Separately Program to the Tasmanian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities (various services/organisations) it was clear that participants required an ‘understanding of self/self-insight’ to strengthen their ability to deal with conflict and family separation issues in their lives.

Keeping Strong – Let’s Talk (KS-LT) program is about enhancing participant understanding of self and the impact of this in relationship breakdown and separation. KS-LT was developed in-line with what is culturally safe and meaningful.

The ‘original’ POP Program (Parenting Separately) is still offered to the community if there is an identified need/interest as a support for participants to gain an understanding and knowledge of post separation difficulties and issues.

KS-LT was first implemented in early 2020.

How do I make an appointment?

Call our professional staff on 1300 264 277.


This is a free service.

Key Outcomes

What can I expect from the Parenting Separately program:

  • a safe, confidential and supportive space
  • supporting parenting skills and putting these skills into practice with families
  • sharing and learning with a group (culturally known as a yarning circle)
  • culturally embedded approaches, building on family and community strengths
  • reduce feelings of isolation
  • develop connections in the community
  • create networks and develop relationships within the community
child safe organisation

We are a Child Safe organisation

At Relationships Australia Tasmania (RA Tas) we consider the health, safety and wellbeing of all children and young people to be our highest priority. We strive to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. In particular, through our Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy.

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Talk to our professional staff today.

Our staff are here to help you find the support and service that is right for you and guide you through the process.