Bolstering Suicide Prevention Activity through Targeted Regional Initiatives for Suicide Prevention
Targeted Regional Initiatives for Suicide Prevention
The Targeted Regional Initiatives for Suicide Prevention (TRISP) is a community-based suicide prevention program aimed at improving mental health support and suicide prevention at a grassroots community level. The program focuses on strengthening community connections and enhancing the coordination of suicide prevention activities across various regions. The goals and strategies of TRISP are designed to reduce siloed efforts and improve the overall impact of local suicide prevention initiatives.
The TRISP team at Relationships Australia Tasmania provides pathways for community groups to connect with the Suicide Prevention team to develop a tailored Community Action Plan (CAP) for their community group. A CAP is a practical plan that communities (workplace, school, club, or organisation) develop together to safely build supports to prevent and reduce suicide. These plans are established around the specific needs of each group and are aligned with the Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Strategy (2023–2027).
The TRISP team are located in the north and the south of the state.
This is a free service, funded by the Primary Health Tasmania.
This is not a crisis service. For 24 hour crisis support phone Lifeline on 13 11 14. If life is in danger call 000.
Some resources you might like to use are:
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
A Tasmanian Lifeline: 1800 98 44 34
Suicide Call back Service: 1300 659 467
Lifeline – Standby Support After Suicide: 0400 183 490
The Peacock Centre: 6166 0755
Suicide Grief booklet download
We are a Child Safe organisation
At Relationships Australia Tasmania (RA Tas) we consider the health, safety and wellbeing of all children and young people to be our highest priority. We strive to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. In particular, through our Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy.
Related Resources

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