Look after yourself this Holiday Season

TALKING POINT                                          

Look after yourself this Holiday Season

December 2023

The holiday season is just around the corner. What does it look like for you and your loved ones?

For many, it’s a time of connecting with family and friends, creating memories, sharing stories, listening to the odd Dad joke, exchanging thoughtful gifts, and basking in the sound of offkey renditions of carols being sung by loved ones.

However, for some Tasmanians, the holiday season isn’t always seen as a joyful time of the year. While many are immersed in the festivities, there are those among us who may find this time of the year challenging. Whether it’s due to personal struggles, isolation, the loss of loved ones, the daunting challenges posed by the cost-of-living crisis, or other difficulties, it’s essential to recognise that not everyone experiences the season through the same joyful lens.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious about the upcoming holidays, or just need some guidance around how to navigate your way through, these tips can help.

Take some time out for yourself
If you are finding that you are feeling overwhelmed, take some time out to recalibrate and spend some time putting yourself first.

Do something that makes you happy
Whether its sipping on a warm cup of tea, reading a book, going for a stroll on the beach or spending time with your furry friends, focus on something you genuinely enjoy.  Focusing on the present can help you set aside any troubles relating to the past or future while you engage in enjoyable activity.

Make sure you get plenty of sleep
Sleep is an essential not only in the holiday period, but everyday!  Keeping a routine, being physically active during the day, problem-solving separately to bedtime and avoiding too much caffeine can help.

Be comfortable saying no
The holiday season can be quite demanding. If you feel like taking some time out for yourself, be confident in knowing that you can always say no to plans.

Take breaks
Make sure that you allow yourself time to recharge in between gatherings.  Relaxation techniques, mindfulness and helpful distractions may help you genuinely switch off for a while.

Be mindful about alcohol consumption
Although it may be tempting, try and resist the urge to overindulge in alcohol.  Planning ahead and reminding yourself of personal goals and limits may assist.  

Don’t hesitate to ask for help
If you are feeling down and need a listening ear, don’t hesitate to seek professional support.

While the holidays can be a time of fun and festivity, let’s remember to extend our compassion and understanding to those who might be struggling at this time of year. Whether it’s offering a helping hand, being there to listen or simply a gentle reminder that they’re not alone, our kindness can go a long way to ensuring everyone experiences a holiday season filled with the comfort and support they deserve. By choosing empathy over festive frenzy, we can create a more meaningful holiday season for all Tasmanians.

Dr Michael Kelly is the CEO at Relationships Australia Tasmania

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Media Contact: A.Mark Thomas, M&M Communications, 0422 006 732

About Relationships Australia Tasmania

At Relationships Australia Tasmania we provide families, couples, individuals, older people, children and communities with tools and strategies, so that they have healthy, positive lives. We help more than 8000 Tasmanians every year to transform and change their lives through counselling, mediation, dispute resolution, support and training.

Our focus is on:

  • healthy relationships, conflict resolution, parenting, cultural issues and mental health
  • We offer people the services and support they need, when they need it to assist them when life presents challenges.
  • Services are available to all people regardless of cultural background, family structure, economic situation, religious beliefs, gender or sexual orientation.

More information about the services and support we offer can be found on our website www.tas.relationships.com.au

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