Neighbours Every Day 2024

Neighbours Every Day is a year-round campaign that encourages people across all communities to connect to increase belonging and reduce loneliness. The annual day of action for Neighbours Every Day is called Neighbour Day – celebrated on the last Sunday in March.

This year, Neighbour Day falls on Sunday 31 March, 2024

The purpose of this campaign is to raise national awareness of the importance of social connections and the difference neighbourly actions can make to someone’s life. The campaign encourages people to make meaningful connections that last beyond the day itself.

The official theme for this year’s Neighbours Every Day is ‘Create belonging, Share belonging’ – building on the growing movement of people taking neighbourly actions every day of the year, in person or from a distance.

Whether through a cuppa, a picnic in the park, a neighbourly action, or a message of support, Neighbours Every Day is the perfect opportunity to reach out to community members, both near and far.

Check out the Neighbours Every Day website for more info.

2023 Successful Applicants:


Community Garden & Outdoor Library
A free outdoor “book swap”, open shared space beginnings of a “free for all” community vegetable garden in Kempton

Be Hers Ltd – Love Thy Neighbour
Love Thy Neighbour lunch and workshop around health and wellbeing fo refugee, migrants, vulnerable, disadvantaged, and at-risk women in the Greater Hobart area.

Judbury Sunday in the Park Picnic Day
Free open event called Sunday in the Park Picnic Day on Sunday 26th March at Judbury Community Centre and Hall for local residents. Main activities include: healthy food, music, face painting, games and a community-led cricket match. JCCMC will also host a ‘get to know your neighbour’ speed dating activity.

Hand-up Clothing Exchange
Gagebrook community centre clothing swap – support for volunteers, equipment, and some new clothing.

Southern Channel Neighbour Day Community BBQ
Family friendly event in the Southern Channel community to kick start a regular community gathering program in the far south. Funding will be used to provide food, light refreshments, entertainment and free family activities on the day.

Maydena Community Association – Social and Community Connections Event
Social and community gatherings within Maydena including: Prized Bingo, Art/Craft, Trivia Night and Movie Night.‍

Southport Community Centre – Pizza Amore
Community event to celebrate the first firing of the Southport Centre’s new pizza oven re-establishes the monthly tradition of a DIY pizza night–a safe, healthy, family friendly and inclusive evening for neighbours to gather, meet newcomers and visitors. The funding will be used for: marketing, talent, ingredients, (modest) prizes and decorations.‍

Gardners Bay Community Hub – Neighbours Day Launch
Official launch event for the Hub to the broader Gardners Bay community on Neighbours Day. The launch will bring the community together over a shared meal (pizza) and will include community discussions and planning activities for setting up regular opportunities to connect and support each other through the Hub. Funding will be used for seating, trestle tables, a pizza oven, grocery items and print flyers for a letter box drop.

Bucaan Community House – Bush Tucker Garden
A Bush Tucker Garden project, supported by the Chigwell Child and Family Learning Centre (CFLC) and the Aboriginal Education Unit within the Dept of Education. ‍

Clarence Plains Neighbour Day
Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre is partnering with Mission Australia to host a Neighbour’s Day event. Event includes food, drinks and games run by volunteers to bring the community together to have meaningful conversations and reduce isolation over food and activities.

Dinner for the Neighbours of JRS
Jordan River Service Inc. oversee the Bridgewater and Gagebrook Community Houses. The aim is to invite up 60 community members to the Gagebrook Community House for a dinner and socialising with their neighbours that they may otherwise not meet, or have connections with.

Karadi Aboriginal Corporation – Family Tea
The youth and family support worker at Karadi Aboriginal Corporation will host an event for young people to facilitate the cooking of meals and teaching simple recipes that are nutritious, healthy, and affordable. Attendees will invite a family member or support person to share the meal and a conversation. ‍

Colony 47 Eureka Clubhouse
Our Friendly Verandah
To serve a free long table pancake breakfast at our verandah on Sunday morning 28 May for 50 guests from the local community. The band Mentally Healthy as Anything will perform.

Families Tasmania – Family Walking Group
To host a Family Walk and Talk event on March 26th. The walk will explore the “Little Doors” fairy doors along the Old Beach foreshore trail. Activities will include a fairy bread morning tea and nature wand/crown making.  


Youth group
Event to develop a fun, healthy and connected youth group for disengaged kids. Funds will be used for resources to extend our group for activities and food.

Break O’Day Council – Cup of Kindness
The Cup of Kindness prompts people to take of cup of something to their neighbour eg seeds, chocolates, flowers from their garden, cookies, a compliment note, or offer of help. Or to offer to have a cuppa with their neighbour. The funding will help to promote the concept and to host morning teas with give away cups.

Tamar NRM – Russell Street Community Garden
To host a casual Community Garden Working Day on the 26th of March for Neighbour Day. This will encourage the community to come and meet and chat about the vision for the future of Russell St Park. The funding will be put towards a morning tea, winter vegetable seedlings and vegetable soil for the remaining beds to be planted on the day and other events.

Neighbours Every Day and Healthy Tasmania – Community Grants

We’re very excited to be partnering again with Healthy Tasmania to support and encourage people to connect with their neighbours to increase belonging and minimise loneliness.

We invite local Tasmanian community members, groups and organisations to apply for grants up to $1,250 that can be used to host neighbourly activities in your community.

Read the guidelines here.

This grant is funded by the Healthy Tasmania Fund through the Tasmanian Government.

Starting Point Neighbourhood House – Wellness Walk
A social bus trip for community members with limited transport options and a wellness walk. The social outing will be to Deloraine visiting Ashgrove cheese, Van Diemen’s Ice Creamery and the Deloraine and District Folk Museum, followed by a walk down the main street of Deloraine to the train park for a picnic lunch.

With One Voice Break O’Day Community Choir
Weekly bus transport from St Helens to Scamander to give residents the ability to attend choir rehearsals on Tuesday evenings at Scamander Sports Complex. To celebrate Neighbour Every Day 2023 on Sunday 26th March by getting together in song with our community.

Mary & The Elephant Film Night in St Mary’s.
Film night to bring the community together with an entertaining movie enhanced by lively discussion and healthy local food.

Cornerstone Youth Services – Bite on the Bank
A series of community barbeque gatherings for young people aged 12-25 and family/friends. Funds will go towards sporting equipment for entertainment at the bbqs. Community meals will include bbq sausages and salads, including vegetarian options.

Interweave Arts AssociationInvermay (Swampies) Gumboot Gala
A free winter gathering of people from a broad spectrum of the community. A focus will be on fun, with the gumboot as a motif connecting participants.  Various activities will be held including a gumboot throwing competition and other challenges, live local music, also exhibitions.

Lebrina Hall Committee – Winter Solstice Trivia Event
A Winter Solstice Trivia and Supper for the local community. Funds would be used to cover costs such as gas heating, supper expenses such as food, drinks, cleaning supplies, disposable food and drink ware, sound equipment requirements and prizes for our trivia winners. Speak Up Stay Chatty will present at the event.

Perth Scone Time
SCONE TIME (Social, Community, once a month, Neighbours, Establish an event. Tried and true, Inclusive, Menu, Event). 

North West

Rosebery Neighbourhood House – Bringing Community Together
Community lunches, BBQs, afternoon and morning teas. Focus on connecting with socially isolated people.

Devonport Friday Night Skatepark Sessions
A self-organised, sports meet up in Devonport called Devo Sessions. Funding will be used to fund a competition to promote the regular sessions.

Live Well Die Well and Showing Up for Grief
Community Expos to build community connections and partnerships for better health and wellbeing, and to help with relationships towards the end of life.

Housing Choices Tasmania –   Harmony Day Community BBQ
Harmony Day “Everyone Belongs” event for people transitioning to the area. Funds will be used for food, drinks, drink bottles and tote bags for attendees.

Sulphur Creek Community Garden – Shade Sail
A large sun sail will be installed, and a BBQ will be hosted by the community garden volunteers for the neighbourhood who would be invited for a meet and greet for Neighbour Day.

Somerset Community Connections
Community event to attract new members to the Somerset Vinnies Community Hub. Involves free food and demonstration workshops to learn new skills.  Funds will be used to purchase the food and vegetable seedlings to give away to guests to plant a rainbow to eat.

Men’s Long Lunch
Long lunch to share a meal with retired and semi-retired farmers and Agriculture professionals.  Funds will be used to purchase some basic cooking equipment and food. ‍

Stowport/Natone Community Wellbeing Project
For events to both promote community inclusion, as well as provide opportunities for people to explore ways to help engage in preventative mental health care. The funding will be used to cover the cost of local hall hire, and payment of services for health and well-being practitioners to put on four sessions over the next six months to demonstrate techniques to improve well-being. These sessions will include: yoga, a guided mindfulness/relaxation session, art session, and a singing/ukelele group session. ‍

Seasonal Workers and Ulverstone Community Neighbourhood Day
To host a Neighbourhood Day at midday on the 26th of March at the Red Cross Hall in Ulverstone. The organisation has invited 50 seasonal workers and the broader Ulverstone community. Funds will provide for entertainment and food.

Sheffield Community Garden Autumn Gathering
To host an autumn garden gathering to celebrate the end of the growing season. Event organisers will use local produce to create a shared meal of jacket potatoes and promote cheap, local and nourishing.  Entertainment will include African drumming workshops. Funds will also be used to install solar lighting to increase access during the darker months.

Circular Head Council Community Connections Event
To host a Harmony Day/ Neighbour Day community event, bringing together the community to come together, including the large Pakistani/ Muslim community who have recently moved to Circular Head. Funds will be used to provide catering and entertainment.

Related Resources

Family Separation (Farsi, Tigrinya, Nepali and Burmese – Audio Translations)

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Suicide Prevention

The Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Network is a growing network that meets every quarter and is auspiced by RA Tas....

Elder Relationship Service

Counselling support for families who need help negotiating complex issues related to ageing....


To re-connect young people (12-18) with their families and the community....


SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY works to promote positive mental health and prevent suicide by normalising conversations about mental health and encouraging people to seek help when they need it....

Aboriginal Cultural Connections

Culturally sensitive support for Aboriginal individuals and communities in Northern Tasmania including Flinders and Cape Barren Islands....

Find & Connect

The Find & Connect support service aims to improve the lives of Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants....

Bringing Up Great Kids

Parenting is one of the most important jobs we will ever have. This workshop provides parents with some tips and tools on parental responses that encourage helpful family relationships....

Property Mediation

Reaching a property settlement after separation can bring relief and independence. Mediation can help you resolve settlement together....

Counselling After Separation

Counselling for people who have separated and are seeking support with challenges or adjustment after separation....

Organisation Wellbeing Services

A specialist service to help Tasmanian business and community organisations address the personal support and professional development needs of management and staff....

Redress Support Service

Support for people engaging with the National Redress Scheme. This scheme was established for people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse....

Forced Adoption Support Service

This program provides specialist support to any person who has been impacted by forced adoption practices....

Family Law Pathways

Family Law Pathways Networks is a networking program for professionals working with families who are separating, or have separated....


Counselling is suitable for anyone looking to strengthen relationships, overcome trauma, improve self-confidence and establish positive habits....

Children’s Contact Service

The Children's Contact Service makes it possible for contact arrangements to take place with a minimum of stress both for children and their parents....

Supporting Children After Separation

A specialist counselling and support service for children and adolescents aged 5-18 years of age from separated or separating families....

Family Dispute Resolution

Family Dispute resolution (FDR), often referred to as Mediation, can assist with negotiating matters relating to children, property (Property Settlement Mediation) and workplace issues. ...

Separating from a partner


Child Inclusive Mediation

Child Inclusive Mediation provides a safe way of communicating your child’s feelings to assist in decision-making after changes to the family situation....

Talk to our professional staff today.

Our staff are here to help you find the support and service that is right for you and guide you through the process.