Working to create a connected and respectful Tasmania

Celebrating 75 Years in 75 Places

We believe that connection and respect are the building blocks of thriving Tasmanian communities, that’s why we’ve set ourselves the vision of: ‘A Connected and Respectful Tasmania’.

In our milestone 75th year, we are embarking on an inspiring mission. By partnering with seventy-five communities across Tasmania, we are asking the question, ‘what is a connected and respectful community to Tasmanians?’

By celebrating 75 years through conversations in 75 places across the state, our hope is to create a Tasmania where every individual is valued, every relationship is nurtured, and every community thrives.

Relationship, Education & Learning Program

We’re excited to announce several FREE online and in-person groups designed to support families, individuals, and young people during different stages of life

Neighbours Every Day and Healthy Tasmania – Community Grants

We’re very excited to be partnering again with Healthy Tasmania to support and encourage people to connect with their neighbours to increase belonging and minimise loneliness.

We invite local Tasmanian community members, groups and organisations to apply for grants up to $1,500 that can be used to host neighbourly activities in your community.

Keep Tech in Check

In today’s digital age, do you find that you rely heavily on your devices? Do you spend hours scrolling through your feeds?

We get it… our devices are super useful and are essential tools for communication, but did you know they are designed to be highly distracting and addictive which can affect our mental health and overall wellbeing.

Creating healthy digital habits is crucial for minimising these impacts. Simple strategies, such as taking breaks from screens and reconnecting with our surroundings and interacting with people in person, can enhance our wellbeing and relationships.

This project is supported by Healthy Tasmania, an initiative of the Tasmanian Government.

Our Untold Stories

In September 2023, an online gallery created by those impacted by child removal practices was launched. This project was developed by the Find and Connect Reference Group at Relationships Australia Tasmania with the goal of raising awareness of the ‘Forgotten Australians’ and those impacted by forced adoptions.

Our Services

Our expert staff use evidence-based practices to support people
along their journey to change.


Counselling allows you to talk things through and move forward.

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Programs to help you navigate and negotiate things that need to be resolved when separating.

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There are lots of ways we can support you and your family.

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training & education

Training & Education

We provide a range of training aimed at individuals, parents, workplaces and community groups.

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Here for all Tasmanians

RA Tas services are welcoming, we celebrate diversity and are committed to inclusive practices and activities

Our 150 staff are located across three main service areas and offer outreach to over 20 regional communities. Ensuring all Tasmanians have access to the support they need, when they need it.

relationship Australia map

Family Law Pathways

Family Law Pathways Networks is a networking program for professionals working with families who are separating, or have separated....

Bringing Up Great Kids

Parenting is one of the most important jobs we will ever have. This workshop provides parents with some tips and tools on parental responses that encourage helpful family relationships....

Neighbours Every Day and Healthy Tasmania Community Grants

Men Engaging New Strategies Program

A men’s behaviour change program for low to medium risk family violence perpetrators....

Elder Relationship Service

Counselling support for families who need help negotiating complex issues related to ageing....

Parenting Separately (POP)

Parenting Separately aims to identify and develop useful strategies to deal with difficult situations, and help each parent communicate more effectively with the other....

Find & Connect

The Find & Connect support service aims to improve the lives of Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants....

Talk to our professional staff today.

Our staff are here to help you find the support and service that is right for you and guide you through the process.